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Democracy, Governance, and
Economic Performance
Edited by Ian Marsh, Jean Blonde!, and Takashi Inoguchi
The states of East and Southeast Asia constitute a fertile setting for
exploring the links between political and economic development­
subjects usually considered in isolation.
Democratization occurred, or was consolidated, in a number of these
states in the early 1990s but irrespective of the level of democratiza­
tion, economic performance has been a primary source of political
legitimacy in all states in the study. Yet the levels of development vary
markedly Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore have progressively
turned to technological innovation as the primary engine of develop­
ment while the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia have
focused on incorporation in regional/global production systems.
In evaluating democratic development, the study focuses particularly
on the condition of parties and party systems. In relation to economic
governance, the idea of a developmental state provides a template
against which the practices of individual states are evaluated.
The political and policy-making institutions within these states must
now negotiate responses to the financial crisis of the late
Ultimate outcomes will be determined on one hand by the capacity of
political systems to sustain popular support and, on the other, by the
capacity of institutions to rework dysfunctional economic arrange­
Ian Marsh is Associate Professor at the Australian Graduate School of
Management, University of New South Wales. Jean Blonde! is Professor
of Political Science at the European University Institute, Florence.
Takashi Inoguchi is Political Science Professor at the Institute of
Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo.
United Nations
ISBN 92-808-1039-
University Press
Changing Nature of Democracy
Note to the reader
The United Nations University Press series on the Changing Nature of Democ­
racy addresses the debates and challenges that have arisen as "democratic" forms
of govenance have blossomed globally. The march of democracy has deined the
close of the twentieth century; the fuillment of individual and collective aspira­
tions, good governance, and the nurturing of civil society form the benchmark of
political organzation. However, democracy deies a universal model, and the
deinition of democracy continues to be elusive. Moreover, the performance of
democracy often fails to live up to its promise. This series explores two areas.
Firstly examined is the theoretical discourse of democracy, such as the tension
between procedure and substance, the dialectic between principles and institu­
tions, the challenge of reconciliation and peace-building in democratic transition,
the balance between universal and communitarian notions of democracy, between
participation and eiciency, and between capital and welfare. Secondly, the series
explores how these themes and others have been demonstrated, with varying
efect, in a number of regional settings.
Titles currently available:
The Changing Nature of Democracy edited by Takashi Inoguchi, Edward
Newman, and John Keane
The Democratic Process and the Market: Challenges of the Transition edited by
Mihaly Simai
Democracy, Govenance, and Economic Performance: East and Southeast Asia
edited by Ian Marsh, Jean Blonde!, and Takashi Inoguchi
Democracy, governance, and
economic performance:
East and Southeast Asia
Edited by Ian Marsh, Jean Blondel, and Takashi Inoguchi
United Nations
Universiy Press
©The United Nations University, 1999
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and
do not necessarily relect the views of the United Nations University.
United Nations University Press
The United Nations University, 53-70, Jingumae 5-chome,
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United Nations University Press is the publishing division of the United Nations
Cover design by Joyce C. Weston
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 92-808-1039-1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Democracy, governance, and economic performance : East and Southeast
Asia f edited by Ian Marsh, Jean Blonde!, and Takashi Inoguchi.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9280810391
1. Democratization-East Asia. 2. Democratization-Asia, Southeasten.
3. East Asia-Politics and government-1945. 4. Asia, Southeastern-Politics
and government-1945. 5. East Asia-Economic conditions-1945. 6. Asia,
Southeastern-Economic conditions-1945. I. Marsh, Ian. II. Blonde!, Jean,
1929. III. Inoguchi, Takashi. IV. Title.
JQ1499.A91 D446 1999
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