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//-->ContentsFront Matter .................................................3Title Page ..................................................3Publisher Information ................................4 The Slaves’ Doctor ........................................5All In A Day’s Work ....................................5A Belated Introduction .............................17The Milk Farm ........................................26Assessing A Victim ....................................40To The Manor Born .................................56Interlude..................................................80The Labours Of Hercules ..........................85 Back Matter ................................................99Also Available ..........................................99 THE SLAVES’ DOCTOR  ByIan SmithPublisher InformationThis ebook edition published by Kink Books is an imprint ofW&H Publishing LLP, Foresters Hall, 25-27 Westow Street,London, SE19 3RY. Digital edition converted and published byAndrews UK Limited 2011www.andrewsuk.com Previously published by The Olympia Press PO Box 148, Ryde,Isle of Wight, PO33 9BE. Copyright © Ian Smith The right of Ian Smith to be identified as the Author of this workhas been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs andPatents Act 1988. All characters in this publication are fictitious and anyresemblance to real persons, living or dead and is purelycoincidental. This ebook is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, bythe way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out,electronically copied, or otherwise circulated without thepublisher’s prior written consent. Kinks Books is an imprintof W&H Publishing LLP. All In A Day’s WorkI put my hand gently on the bare female behind. My fingers soughtthe deep groove of the biggest weal; as they found it, I felt thelovely twenty-two year-old young woman flinch sharply. The soundof her whimper mixed with the noise of her body moving on theexamination table. It was a hollow table, so each movement echoedloudly. The girl’s hands, down by her svelte sides, clenched intosmall fists and then unclenched again. There was pain, fear, angerand frustration in those tiny reactions. The anger was not directedagainst me, but against the sadist who had inflicted those agonisingwelts on her youthful body. The welts were fresh, delivered less thanten minutes ago and her firm, curvaceous flesh was hot.There was little that I would be able to do to diminish the painshe was suffering. Besides, doctor or not, that was not really my job.The girl’s captors had decreed that she should be punished and it wascertainly not my place to do anything to alleviate that punishment;and that was that. They had merely asked me to check her overafterwards, knowing that she was new to this nightmare (for her)existence and not wanting to lose a good asset through a seizureor anything like that. She was young, true, but even teenagers cansuffer heart attacks or other debilitations and they had worked herover fairly thoroughly even for them.Still, I might be able to help in another way, as a counsellor.After well over a decade as a doctor looking after slaves, I have agreat deal of experience. Those four emotions that I spoke of, forinstance, can be split into two pairs: on the one hand, anger at whatwas being done to her and frustration at her own helplessness; onthe other hand, the more submissive reactions of fear and pain. Itwas important that fear and pain win the battle within her. Theywould do so sooner or later, inevitably, but the sooner it was, the lessthe girl would suffer. Of course, that would not stop her sufferingaltogether.  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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