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An initial view
by Frater U.'.D.'.
In the colder regions of the earth, especially so in the area of the Polar
circle around the North Pole, the elementary survival of man and animal
alike, in their struggle against the most unhospitable powers of nature
conceivable, certainly met with a challenge greater than anywhere else. It
is no coincidence that it is amongst the tribes and peoples from the most
northern regions of our planet that one finds the cradle of technologies
and knowledge, the mechanisms and efficiency of which surpass all
others. Their description is but one of many tasks which the book Ice
Magic meets in an befitting and serious manner.
At some point in the course of the past months and years the author took
the liberty of tentatively labelling all forms and contents pertaining to this
topic as "Ice Magic" in his conversations and lectures. This mere title led
some people to the wildest speculations and most absurd fantasies. Add
to that the intermingling of only half understood information, rumours and
pure conjecture, as has actually occurred, and the claim by others to
understanding or explanation of the meaning of "Ice Magic" cannot but
lose every base in its very conception. Hence the need for this
It seems to be the fate of well-meant improvisations aiming at a crudely
simplified and easy to grasp introduction to a world of paths hitherto
untravelled and possibilities never exercised, to raise many a latent fear,
as well as stimulating the proverbial bias of the timid and diffident,
wavering and demure towards prejudice of any kind, which serves to
protect such people from reality.
There are a great number of better reasons, albeit including those
mentioned above, to supply a general entree for the expert and the
interested public alike to this realm of highly powerful and fascinating
practices, techniques and legacies.
When taking into account its history, the term "magic", like a blank piece
of paper, is most forbearing and receptive for all sorts of conjectures -
possible and impossible alike. But when it comes to the power and the
skill i.e. the ability of human beings to act in a manner transgressing
conventional rules and "laws of nature", this long-suffering term should
be more than apt to spell out all exactions and assertions concomitant.
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be more than apt to spell out all exactions and assertions concomitant.
Granted that the well-known formula, "Magic is the art and the science to
cause change with the aid of alternate states of consciousness in
conformity with will", to take but one example, may represent a first
notion when undertaking to describe the subject matter at hand. After all,
it shows distinctly the insufficiency of those presumptions and tools we
are forced to employ when approaching this taboo-ridden field. The
recourse to psychologisms and mysticisms contained in this formula
documents man's initial difficulties when relating to magic, as he has
developed a constitutional preference for suppression, evasion and
compensatory conjurations when confronted with a complex world and
From its very inception, the permanent presence of paramount forces of
nature which man's claim to life has to face in the polar region, disavows
any refuge to tests of endurance, training, exercises or even vacant space
for trial and error, for experimentation and even instruction in the
conventional sense. With winter temperatures ranging from -45øC to
-70øC (minus 49øF to minus 94øF) for four to six months in the year,
intensified by wind speeds Beaufort 3 to 11, accompanied by an extremely
low humidity and a minimum of 3 sunless months per year, the small
remaining span of time can leave but scarce and far too little scope for the
growth and bloom of survival resources.
Obviously, such unsurmountable and merciless circumstances attendant
to sheer human existence in theses climes demand unexampled qualities
of the development and exertion of man's magic. Thus, a magic
elementary, innovative and consequently highly intelligent, becomes the
most obvious and self-evident requirement. Its main characteristics are
sobriety and efficacy, for the conditions of its evolution and practical
circumstances leave no scope for games, sentiments or the temporary
decline into a bland consumer's attitude. Therefore, an improvised
formula within this context could read: "Magic is the art of being able to
do without aid, embellishment and conditions in the course of achieving
to one's interests."
It is only logical that translating such a clear-cut, uncompromising craft
and the highly sophisticated and most sensitive of sciences inseparably
linked with it, into our comparably soporific social environment with all its
pretensions, complexes and diversions, in a teachable form must meet
with considerable difficulties. Certainly, this magic is more practicable
and efficient than everything else. But it is for this very reason that it also
invokes fear and disconcert within those souls orientated towards ready
consumption and essentially content with the current status quo.
The book, "Ice Magic", finally clears the path towards a practical and
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The book, "Ice Magic", finally clears the path towards a practical and
theoretical introduction to this demanding magical art which subscribes
to efficacy alone. It makes itself available for understanding, examination
and personal practice by well-defined laboratoria, a reasonable
processing of experiences, stories and traditions and last but not least by
the systematical examples corresponding to this magic, of its
transposition into our cultural and environmental realms.
To take one example: the author's instructed attempt to employ the ambit
of a different and consequently redirected bio-organization with the
objective of mastering enormous difficulties by traversing the limitations
and contingencies/ possibilities of a bird, left him with the distinct
impression of actually having been a certain bird. In accordance with his
possessive bents, the question became unavoidable, whether he could
not become a bird for a longer, yet limited period of time (and thus, surely,
even more tangibly). However, the reply was prompt to come: "Are you
really willing to trade your possibilities and your point of departure now?"
Faced with the clearly outlined experience and the most tightly tautened
contrast he realized immediately that this was not his pursuit. The
ensuing question, whether he would now easily be able to overcome
those tremendous difficulties which claimed and restricted his cardinal
attention and to leave them behind, placed no demand on confirmation.
He knew.
It is owing to his preoccupation with Ice Magic and its bearers that the
author has primarily attained to a freedom of individual, untrammeled and
socially uninterlaced uninhibitedness only truly developable now. He
understands this uninhibitedness as a consequence and a presupposition
of that vast field of magical skill which, however, commonly hides itself
behind the horizon of conventional magical hopes and efforts. It is only
the preeminence of individual emancipation and the fulfillment of desires
which, to his present knowledge, grant those premises free of stricture
and retroaction, to share abilities, knowledge and power with others and
to push them far beyond their limits. However, he is certain that it is only
on the basis of individual acceptance that the way is clear towards
alliances however limited and temporary, but reliable. Assiduous
friendships will then be no longer the product and object of wishing and
pure expectation but rather a growing, logically established chance and
The spirit carrying and stimulating ice magical practice in its most
considerate and freedom-loving manner may be best described by the
following small anecdote.
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Dating back to the turn of the century and before, several attempts were
made to settle the tribes of the Lapps (Samer) by offering them land,
obviously with the goal of integrating them into the predominant social
order and to make them as governable and controllable as everyone else.
Without being clearly aware of the social and political dimensions and
impact of these settlement designs, it was a Samer himself who succintly
pointed towards the enslavement and hazards entailed with these offers
of settling down. The proposal to settle him and his clan permanently
along with dwellings, farmsteads and agriculture, while taking into
account their traditional way of life by guaranteeing that, following their
former life of unrestricted and unentangled moving about, their future
homesteads should keep a minimum distance to the next settlement or
any neighbouring houses of at least 5 kilometer (3.25 miles), met with his
spontaneous and apprehensive comment. "How," so he demanded of the
people in charge, "can one expect human beings to live in such close
vicinity with others?"
Finally, an ice magical manifesto can be introduced along with the book,
whose sole design is to provide encouragement and suggestions for
those people who relate to the pursuit of freedom, expertise and growth in
magic to organize, or, at the very least, emancipate themselves for the
furtherment of their individual research without the jeopardies involved in
the aberrations and derangements of power politics - and without
therefore sooner or later being fettered hand, foot, soul and spirit only to
be thrown back consequently in their quest. The ice magical manifesto
will show real and feasible possibilities of manifesting this spirit, provided
appropriate interest is given.
The complete book in german has been published already.
Whether "Ice Magic" will be published in English (certainly not an easy
task for any translator) will depend on sufficient public interest.
Thus, anyone interested in an English language edition is kindly
requested to notify the publishers and will receive notice from them as
soon as this project may manifest in a tangible form. The publishers'
address is as follows:
Edition Magus
im Verlag Ralph Tegtmeier
P.O.Box 1245
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P.O.Box 1245
D-53896 Bad Muenstereifel
Phone: (02253) 8293
Fax: +49 2253 6129
(c) copyright 1994 by Edition Magus im Verlag Ralph Tegtmeier.
All rights reserved.
This file may be distributed freely (not sold) WITHOUT ALTERATIONS on
CIS and other electronic bulletin board systems. For printing media rights
please inquire with the author at the above address.
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