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The Basics of Biblical Greek
Dr. William D. Mounce
¨ 1993-1999 All Rights Reserved
Included is what I hope will become a growing body of visual teaching aids. So much of our edu-
cational theory is designed for auditory learners, not visual learners. Hopefully these overheads
will help all students.
We are starting with very basic overheads. If you have some ideas that you would like me to do
and include in this packets in future years (with due credit given to you), please send your sam-
ples to Bill Mounce, Teknia, PO Box 337, Wenham, MA 01984, or email me at lbbg@teknia.com.
Teachers using
First printing . . . . . . . Fall, 1993
Second printing . . . . . . Fall, 1999
page 2
may copy these overheads, both for overheads and stu-
dent handouts, provided that the copies are distributed at cost.
The Basics of Biblical Greek
Chapter 3
page 1
Chapter 3
a b g d
z h q i
l m n x
p r s "
u f c y
¨ 1993 Dr. William D. Mounce
Chapter 3
page 2
a e h
¨ 1993 Dr. William D. Mounce
Chapter 3
page 3
Breathings (
1. ajpovstolo"
2. uJpevr
3. rJuvomai
4. aijtevw
5. Aijtevw
6. ÆIhsou'"
¨ 1993 Dr. William D. Mounce
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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