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Idiom of Oz
Funny, authentic
Australian language &
travel "
" guide
Jake Jacobs
A Books To Believe In Publication
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2009 by Jake Jacobs
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission, in writing from the publisher.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or
transmitted in any form or by any means - graphics, electronic, or mechanical including
photocopying, recording without prior written permission of Voice by Jake LLC, or Jake
Jacobs, except where permitted by law. This book is protected by all applicable laws in
the country being used.
Front cover: Please note the importance of the Emu and Kangaroo depicted in
the Australian Country Crest located on the front cover. Similar to the Emu and
Kangaroo, Australians (collectively) as a country, and their unique blend of the English
language continue to forge forward, evolving and designing as they go, and do not move
1st Edition October, 2009
Proudly Published by
Thornton Publishing, Inc
17011 Lincoln Ave. #408
Parker, CO 80134
Phone: 303.794.8888
Fax: 720.863.2013
ISBN: 0-9824705-2-5
As odd or funny as it may seem; yes, this book of the Australian idiom needs to have a
legal disclaimer citing the use of the text within it. The Author of this book does not
dispense medical or educational advice, or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of
treatment for physical, emotional, philosophical, educational or medical problems
without the advice of a professor or physician, either direct or indirectly. The intent of the
author is only to offer information of good, humourous, and general nature to help you in
your quest to grow culturally. In the event you use any of the information in this book for
yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no
responsibility for your actions (or those of others).
Some strong language is used in this book, but only as it directly applies or
relates to the material being covered. "Extremely" strong language is used with asterisks
(*) in the absence of word/term lettering. For example, 'f**k' is pretty widely known and
understood by most in society that identify with, or use colourful language. This is not a
personal endorsement or vote of encouragement to engage in such language. However, in
support of the theme of this book, the author desires all that read it to be fully prepared
should they find such terminology during 'Oz' encounters.
a laughing roo
The following pages are dedicated to all our family, friends, 'mates', and
acquaintances throughout Australia (Oz) and the globe... 'Fair dinkum'!!
Thanks for the personal everlasting memories and experiences during my four
and one-half years residence (and subsequent visits) in 'Oz'. For better or for worse, from
Darwin to Adelaide (and beyond), from Fremantle to the Sunshine Gold Coast and back
down to the shores of Bass Straits, I will forever remember you and our forged past.
Should we bump into one another again, please know that it will gladly be my 'shout'
By-the-way, the rare white 'roo' on the previous page is not injured or dead. He is
merely having fun in his environment and down-time rolling around in the dirt and grass
in exchange for treats and snacks. . .much like your dog would do. Ironically, this
international icon sets the pace and foundation for the pages to follow (see copyright
page). It is my hope that each and every one of you enjoys them to the fullest.
If you happen to have any comments, questions, or feedback, we would love to
hear from you through our website: www.IdiomOfOz.com .
Look, I don't want to box with you
Author's note and offered for consideration: Through our journeys in life, we all
make some less-than-desirable choices and decisions. While it's important to set a good
example to others, we should each consider learning by our mistakes and setting the bar
of expectations high for others to follow. Life is too damn short. Live to make
opportunities when you can, take each day as they come, and most of all- live life large
and to the fullest each and every day.
All pictures in this book were either taken by the author, provided by family and
friends (without consideration or desire of payment), or online/internet reference
material(s) for the purposes to help bring this book to the public.
family feeding time
Description of Aussie English:
This reference book promises to offer a comprehensive and unique look at the
humour, fun, and creative flexibility found in the use of Australian English.
The following pages will include words that are often found to be similar in both
pronunciation and spelling (but not both) to other languages. However, this reference
guide helps distinguish the difference and similarities between various English speaking
countries usage, but focuses on the use of the Australian English (hence, the Idiom of
'Oz'). Many street, city, or sites names' focus on local/legendary history, commonwealth
influences, and aboriginal culture. Indicative of the creative speech in 'Oz' is the word
"Australia" itself which is often spoken as if the leading "A" or the letter "I" is optional.
Enjoy the pages of words and pictures that follow and help explore your way through a
history of language making and continued evolution...who knows, you might have just
crafted one of these words yourself 'mate'.
It's important to note that none of the information is in any way designed or
intended to be hurtful or degrading in any way to any specific person(s), cultures, or
backgrounds. Nor is it to represent any persons or group of persons. It is solely intended
to honestly present an average, respectable and common slang/verbiage used throughout
Australia (and associated geographical regions). Any resemblance or association of any
person(s), either alive or deceased, is purely coincidental.
'Aussie' English (like many other languages) is hinged on being as simplistic as
possible, offering great creativity, and in many circumstances is forged during the period
of need. So much so, that the actual real meanings and associated common global
definitions are (in many cases) lost to the long-term convenience of the ease of slang.
Important to note that many Australian words that use c, s, and 'zed' (aka., z) are
most times used the same, and pronounced the same, but are spelled differently. For
example, defense vs. defence, and orgranization vs. organisation.
The intent of this reference guide in no way suggests or encourages use or
non-use of it's contents. It is merely presenting words and phrases for public viewing,
consideration, and education for those travelers and residents destined for 'Oz'.
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