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//-->WUIiLU~Ur-SCIENCE FICTION•August19/J•Ib¢The p.per time m.chlneSTRATEGY&TACTICS is a magazine. It'salso a tool: a time machine that enables youto replay the crucial events - past, present,and future -that shape our lives.Now, instead of merely reading about what'shappening, you can explore and experiencethe alternatives and deciSion points throughthe technique of Conflict Simulation.Wh.t Is Conflict Simul.tlon?Conflict Simulation is a way of analyzing apolitical or military conflict situation. A waythat is as intellectually stimul.ating as a gameof chess, and as thorough as a written analysis.Through the use of the Conflict Simulation(or "game") format, the conflict situation isre-created - so that you are in a position tomake the vital decisions and, in the game atleast, change the way things were, are, orwill be.Wh.t you getSTRATEGY&TACTICS magazine is publish-ed bi-monthly. Each issue contains:A ready-to-play conflict-simulation gamewith a 22 x 28" playing surface, die-cut play-ing pieces, and complete rules.An analytical article on the same subject asthe game in that issue.Other feature articles on historical andmilitary subjects.Game and book reviews, commentary onexisting games, and discussions of subscribers'questions.The magazine is 48+pages long, and allmaterial is handled in a highly organized (andeasily understandable) graphic format.Games recently published in STRATEGY&TACTICS were:GRUNT(ground combat inVietnam),LOST BATTLES(tactical combat inRussia, 1941-44),USN(the war in the Pacific,1941-43), COMBAT COMMAND(tactical com-bat in Western Europe, 1944).We also publish a separate line of conflict-Simulation games, which you will find listed inthe coupon.***Send check or M.O. to:Simulation. Publication. Inc.Dept.4.4 44 EllSt 23rd St., New York, N.Y. 10010Please enter my subscription to S.&T. for:'Y.ar(6issues)-$102Y"'1'2issues!-$173Y,.. 18 Issues -$24Currentl!lsue$4~~oSQ/ld me the follOWing Simulation Games:Kurak (Russia, 19431-$6Kor.a (1950-51)- ..6Phalanx (ancient Greece)-$6Barbaro••• (Russia, 1941-45)-$6L.lpzlg (Napoleonic Wars, 1813)-$6Normandy (the D-Day Invaslon)-'$6Plea e send me your free brochure.__State _ _ Zip _ _*Fr. . to new subscribersNAPOLEON AT WATERLOO, history's greatestbattle presented in a game-design speciallycreated to introduce new readers to ConflictSimulation..Name..eAddressCltyThe~~,time mec:hlneSTRATEGY&TACTICS is a magazine. It'salso a tool: a time machine that enables youto replay the crucial events - past, present,an(1 future - that shape our lives.Now, instead of merely reading about what'shappening,youcan explore and experiencethe alternatives and decision points throughthe technique of Conflict Simulation.***Whllt .. Conillet Simulation?Conflict Simulation is a way of analyZing apolitical or militllry conflict situation. A waythat is as intellectually stimul.ating as a gameof chess, and as thorough asawriUen analysis.Through the use of the Conflict Simulation(or "game") format, the conflict situation isre-created - so that you are in a position tomake the vital decisions and, in the game atI.ast, change the way things were, are, orwillbe.Whlltyou ....STRATEGY&TACTICS magazine is publish-ed bi-monthly. Each issue contains:A ready-to-play conflict-simulation gamewith a 22 x 28" playing surface, die-cuI play-ing pieces, and complete rules.A'l analytical article on the same subject asthe game in that issue.Other feature articles on historical andmilitary subjects.Game and book reviews, commentary onexisting games, and discussions of subscribers'questions.The magazine is48+pages long, and allmaterial is handled in a highly organized (andeasily understandable) graphic formal.Games recently published in STRATEGY&TACTICS were:GRUNT(ground combat inVietnam),LOST BATTLES(tactical combat inRussia,1941-044),USN(the war in the Pacific,1941-43), COMBAT COMMAND(tactical com-bat in Western Europe,1944).We also publish a separate line of conflict-simulation games, which you will find listed inthe coupon.Send check or M.O. to:Simulation. Publication. Inc.Dept.411 44e.tZ3nISt.,Ne.York, N.Y. '00'0Ple..e enter my subscription to S.&T.for:~1 Y••r (6 iaaues)-1102Yra. (12 isaues)-$173Yra.(18Iaauea)-$24CurrentiaaueS04Send me the following Simulation Games:~oBarbaro...(Russia, 1941·45)-18Lelpztg(Napoleonic Wars, 1813)-H...,......, (1 he D-Day Invasion...·16Ple..e senme youl flee brochure.Kore.(1950-51)-18Phelanx(ancient Gleece)-16Kursk(Rullia, 19431-16Free to .......bee,I.,.NAPOLEON AT WATERLOO, history's greatestbattle presented in a game-design speciallycreated 10 introduce new readers to ConflictSimulation.CityStale _ _ Zip_ _*WORLDS OFJuly-Auguat 1973Vol. 21, No. 12SCIENCEFICTIONIssue 188ALL NEWSTORIESArnold E. Abrllmson,PublisherEjler Jekobnon,~ditorTheodore Sturgeon,Contributing EditorAlbert Dytch,M.nlllJing EditDrLeste, del Rey,F••tur. EditorL.c.Murph~,Subsi:,iption DirectorJey Tunick,Circul.tion DirectorNOVELETTES·'PEARSALL'S RETURN, F.M. Busby......................."THE INVADERS, Stephen Tall:.....................SERIAL (Conclusion)~OUR642CHILDREN'S CHILDREN,-CliffordD.Simak~_II!...........118SHORT STORIES"THEMEANINGOFTHE'WORD,Chelsea Quinn Yarbro,~i.:....~SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE,David MagilWESTWIND,Gene WolfeFEATURES7190110587103HUE ANDCRY:Readers Write and WrongSFeALENDAR.......................READINGROOM,Lester del ReyCover by David A. Hardy: ASTRONAUTS ON DEIMOSWorlds of IF i. published bimonthly byUPD Publishing Corporation, a subaid·iary"-of Univerul PubUshing • Distribut-ing Corporation. ArnoldE.Abramson,Pre.dent. 'Main Offices: 23& East46Street, New York. N.Y. 10017.· Singlecopy:71e.12-iuue subscription: '9.00in U.s.,'10.00.I..~here.Worlds ofIFis publish.d in the UnitedKingdom by Unive....I·Tand.m Publishing. Company, Ltd., 14 Gloucester Ro'.d, Lon·don SW7 4RD. Arnold E. Abramson,ChairllUln of ..theB~ard.Ralph. Stokes.Managingl;)irector. Single copy: 2&p. 12-issue Kub.cription in the United Kingdom:£3.80.\Copyright • 1973 by UPD Publishing Corporation under Int.mational. Univer-sal and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. All rights re.erved. Second cia..postage INIld at New York, N.Y. and additional mailing offices. The publishe,. a.·sume no responsibility for unsolicited material. AU stories printed in this mag·azine are fiction and any similarity between character. and actual persons iscoincidental. Printed in U.S.A.2AREYODtAfter10,these many years of reading WORLDS OF IF, you must knowwho we are. The only thing we, however, know about you is that you readscience fiction. But now we need to know more about you to continue tobring you. the type of fiction-and, incidentally, advertisements-that~illinterest you. Please fill in the following in as much detail asyoucan; yourtime will be well spent and most appreciated.1.Male _ _Female _ _2.Age _ _3. Student:High School _ _College _ _4.College graduate _ _Degrees _ _$5-10,000 _ _$10-f5,OOO _ _5:'Income: Under $5000 _ _$15-25,000 _ _Over $25,000 _ __8.Profession7.Own Home _ _ Rent: House _ _ Apartment _ _8. What magazines, other than science fiction, do you read regufarly?I.Doyout,avel?Business _ _Europe _ _OtherPleasure _ __USA - -3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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