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//-->WORLDS OFSCIENCE FICTION • OCTOBER 1973 • 75¢EARTH'S BODY•LAURENCE YEPSPACE BOUNCE•STEPHE TALLTHE MERCHANT.•LARRY ElSE BERGINHERITANCE•ROBERT WELLS8he Learning of E.....--aF.•The p.per time m.chlneSTRATEGY&TACTICS is a magazine. It'salso a tool: a time machine that enables youto replay the crucial events - past. present,and future - that shape our lives.Now, instead of merely reading about what'shappening, you can explore and experiencethe alternatives and decision points throughthe technique of Conflict Simulation.Wh.t la Conflict Simul.tlon?Conflict Simulation is a way of analyzing apolitical or military conflict situation. A waythat IS as Intellectually stimul.ating as a gameof chess, and as thorough as a wrillen analysIs.Through the use of the Conflict SlmulallOn(or "game") format, the conflict situation ISre-created - so that you are in a position tomake the vital decisions and, in the game atleast, change the way things were, are, orwill be.Wgt you getSTRATEGY&TACTICS magazine is publish-ed bi-monthly. Each issue contains:A ready-to-play conflict-slmulallon gamewith a 22 x 28" playing surface, die-cut play-ing pieces, and complete rules.An analytical article on the same subject asthe gameInthat Issue.Other feature articles on historical andmilitary subjects.Game and book reviews, commentary oneXisting games, and discussions of subscribers'questions.The magazine is 48+pages long, and allmaterial IS handled in a highly organized (andeasily understandable) graphiC format.Games recently published In STRATEGY&TACTICS were:GRUNT(ground combat inVietnam),LOST BATTLES(tactical combat inRussia,1941-44),USN(the war In the PaCifiC,1941-43), COMBAT COMMAND(tactical com-batInWestern Europe,1944).We also publish a separate line of confllct-Simulation games, which you will find listed inthe coupon.***Send check or M.O. to:Simulation. Publication. Inc.Dept.545 44 east 23rd St., New York, N.Y. 10010~Please enter my subscription to S.&T. for:1Y..r(6ISSUeS)-$102 Yre.(12ISSUeS!-S173Vre.(18Issues-S24CurrentissueS4Send me the following Simulation Games:Kurek (Russia, 19431-$6Korea (1950-51)- ..6Phalanll (ancient Greeee)-S6Barbaro..a (Russia, 1941.45)-$6Leipzig (Napoleonic Wars, 1813)-S6Normand, (the D·Day Invasion)-'S6Please send me your free brochure._~o*Free to newaubacrlberaNAPOLEON AT WATERLOO, history's greatestbattle presented In a game-deslgi1 speCiallycreated to introduce new readers to ConflictSimulation.Nam,e-eC,tyState _ _ Zip _ _BALLANTINE~BOOKScongratulatesARTHUR C. CLARKEon the publication of his bn1fiantnew novelRENDEZVOUSWITH RAMAscheduledtobetheleadtitlefor BallantineinFall 1974Meanwhile don't forget...CHILDHOOD'S ENDEARTHUGHTEXPEDITION TO EARTHREACH FOR TOMORROWTALES OF THE WHITE HART••.thefive Clarke classics stillinprint.WORLDS'OFSeptember-October 1973Vol. 22, No.1SCIENCEFICTIONIssue 168ALL NEWSTORIESArnold E. Abramson, PublisherEjler Jakobsson, EditorTheodore Sturgeon, Contributing EditorAlbert Dytch, Managing Editor _Lester del ReV, Feature EditorL. C. Murphy, Subscription DirectorJay Tunick, Circulation DirectorSERIAL(PartI)INHERITANCE, Robert WellsNOVELETTE.. 6THE HORNETS OF VALORA, William LeeSHOR T STORIES7.8SENTI ENCE, Lee Killough.· .102THE LEARNING OF.EESHTA, F.M.Busby ..· .11·8. . . . . . . 131TIME OF THE CETIS, Gene KilczerTHE MERCHANT, Larry Eisenberg· .151SPACE BOUNCE, Stephen Tall· .160FEATURESSFCALENDARREADING ROOM, Lester del Rey... 99· .145CoverbyDavid A. Hardy: ADVANCED LUNAR BASEWorlds of IF Is published bimonthlY byUPD Publishing Corporation, a subsldl·ary of Universal Publishing&Distri-butin2 Corporation. ArnoldE.Abram·son, President. Main Offices: 235 East45Street,NewVork,N.V. 1 001 7.51nglecopy:75t.12-lssue subscription: $9.00In U.S., $10.00 elsewhere.Worlds of IF Is publilhed In the UnitedKingdom by Unlversal-Tand.m Publish·Ing Company, Ltd., 14 Gloucester Road,London SW7 4RD. ArnoldE.Abramsqn,Chairman of {he Board. Ralph Stokes,Managing Director. Single copy: 25p.12-lssue subscription in the United King-dom: £3.60.Copyright1973 'by' UPD Publishing Corporation under International, Universaland Pan-American Copyright Conventions. All rights reserved. second class pOltagepaid at New York, N.V. and additional mailing offices. The publishers assume noresponsibility for unsolicited material. All stories printedinthis magazine are fictionand any similarity between characterl and actual persons is coincidental. Printed InU.S.A• .2BAD MOON RISINGAnAnthologyof Political ForebodingsTlIom••If.Disch, Editor.Twenty-one original storiesand poems by such writers as Ellison, Wolfe, Effinger,Naylor, Emshwiller,. Schjeldahl, Silverberg, and Moor---'cock. $6.95ANALIENHEATIfIcIJ.ellloorcock.A novel by the author ofBehold theMan,a· combination of comic fantasy and social satirereminiscent of Burgess, Wilde and Wells•. set on theEarth at the brink of the end of time. "An enjoyable ad-venture."-Publishers Weekly -$4.95SHOWCASERogerElwood, Editor.Twelve original, suspense-filledstories written exprc__ '..~:'rthis~t)II~~t;onby Lafferty,Bova, Russ, Haldeman,~~.zberg,1'vI\..lister, Silver-.berg, and others. $5.95 .CASEY AGONISTESand Othe, Fantasy and Science-Fiction StoriesRichard IIcKenne. From gentle humor10galacticad~venture to ecological crisis, these stories by the..-Iateauthor of the bestsellingThe Sand PebblesVividly dem-onstrate his remarkat>.le skill and range. $5.95and runners-up of 1971, as~electedby the members ofthe SF Writers. of America, plus cr.lical essays by Knight,Sturgeon and Anderso.n. $6.9521~tNEBULA AWARD STORIES SEVENUo,dBigg/e, Jr., Editor.All the award-winning storiesTen years later ...the pioneering, prophetic view of thecentury. corrected and updated in light of the amaz-ing advances of the past decade.IIPROFILES OF THE FUTUREAnInquiryIntotheLimit.ofthePo.lbl.byARTHUR C. CLARKI:Revised edition. $7.95 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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