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//-->Cassandra’s ChallengeBy M.K. EidemScience Fiction RomanceCassandra’s Challenge: The Imperial SeriesM.K. EidemCopy Right 2013 by Michelle K. EidemSmashwords EditionAll rights reserved: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in anyform or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or inpart,, without express written permissionAll characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiousand are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead,actual events, locale or organizations is strictly coincidental.Smashwords License StatementThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only This ebook may not be re-sold.or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person,please purchase an additional copy for each reader. I you’re reading this book and did notpurchase it, or it was to purchased for your use only then please return to,Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy Thank you for respecting the hard work.of this author.SynopsisCassandra Chamberlain has always stood out. It's hard not too at 6’1” and 165 poundswith jet black hair and sapphire blue eyes. And if that wasn’t enough she is also brilliant,graduating from Harvard at fifteen, teaching at MIT at nineteen and up for theprestigious Magellan Award at twenty five. But she’s never really fit in. Not with herpeers, not with her contemporaries, only with her family But everything changes when.the Earth is attacked and Cassandra and her niece Victoria are the only survivors.Suddenly the smartest woman on the planet has to relearn everything. Everything she’sbelieves to be true is challenged and she has to learn to survive, not only for herself butfor Victoria, because someone wants them dead.Admiral William Zafar is the youngest Admiral ever in the Coalition fleet, the hero ofthe Battle of Fayal. At 7’1” he’s 325 pounds of Carinian male in his prime who is fearedand respected throughout the fleet. He is a royal from the House of Protection, carryingits birthmark and considers its King one of his oldest friends.But when the Regulians destroy a previously unknown planet leaving only twosurvivors he finds he's willing to risk it all to protect the woman he loves from theRegulians and the Carinian traitor that wants her dead.Chapter 1“Admiral, sensors in the Relinquished zone are tracking a Regulian battle fleet. They’vestopped in an uncharted solar system approximately 5000 light years away Senior Chief.”Delondra Falco reports.Admiral William Hale Zafar turns from his command center. At 50 cycles he is theyoungest Admiral ever in the Carinian fleet and currently commands the Battle starRetribution with an accompaniment of five battleships as they patrol the border. He’s7’1” and 325lbs of solid Carinian male, his lush dark hair just starting to gray at thetemples and while not long is not cut militarily short. His startling violet eyes look toFalco.“What intel do we have on that system?” He demands.“Only what the remote sensors scanned sir. It’s seems to be a very small system withnine planets and one sun, if the Regulians wrap signature hadn’t lead us to it, it wouldeasily have been missed.” Falco replies.“Our systems aren’t supposed tomissanything, Falco!” The Admiral stares her down.“Are you getting any data on the planets withoursensors? They must be there for somereason.”“No sir, sorry sir, too far away.”The Admiral turns away “What do you think Quinn?” Colonel Quinn Tar is the second.in command on the Retribution and one of his oldest friends. At 52 he has some wearand tear about him. He’s shorter than his commander by 3 inches but weighs the same.“I agree there has to be a reason they are there, we should get closer, gather Intel.” TheAdmiral reaches his decision.“Falco set a course to get us in detail scan range, warp six. I want to know what theRegulians are up too. Communications contact High Command and relay that we aregoing into the Relinquished zone. Connect me to the other Commanders.”“Yes sir.”“Set the fleet to Alert Status Two I want all eyes and ears open while we are in theRelinquished zone.”“Yes sir.”The Retribution travels through the Relinquished Zone at warp six for over two daysbefore finally getting within long range scanning distance.“Status Falco.”“Sir, nine planets, one sun, only one considered habitable, the third from the sun, scansshow abundant life, the majority seems to be humanoid, large mineral deposits, largecities.”“Can you ascertain level of advancement?”“They have satellites orbiting the plant…probably communications…all defenses seemto be terrestrial.Sir!!!The Regulians have just initiated an attack on the planet, targetingmajor cities!”“Fuck!!! How soon can we intercede?”“Sir at current speed 23 hours.” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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