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Impossible Missions
A free espionage role playing game by Tom McGrenery
Introduction............................................................................... 2
Inspiration ................................................................................. 2
Organisation.............................................................................. 2
Missions..................................................................................... 2
Characters .................................................................................. 2
Attributes.............................................................................. 2
Agility (AGL) ................................................................ 2
Strength (STR)............................................................... 2
Perception (PER)........................................................... 2
Intelligence (INT).......................................................... 3
Charisma (CHA) ........................................................... 3
Skills ..................................................................................... 3
Skill List............................................................................... 3
Awareness (PER) .......................................................... 3
Computers (INT) ........................................................... 3
Cooking (PER) .............................................................. 3
Demolitions (AGL/INT).............................................. 3
Disguise (PER) .............................................................. 3
Drive (AGL)................................................................... 3
Electronics (INT)........................................................... 3
Etiquette (PER/CHA)................................................... 3
Fighting (STR/AGL) .................................................... 3
Foreign Language (INT).............................................. 3
Forgery (PER/INT)....................................................... 3
Guns (AGL) ................................................................... 3
History (INT) ................................................................. 3
Intrusion (AGL/PER) ................................................... 3
Manipulation (CHA)..................................................... 3
Maths (INT) ................................................................... 3
Mechanics (INT) ........................................................... 3
Medicine (INT).............................................................. 4
Mimicry (PER) .............................................................. 4
Performance (PER/CHA) ............................................ 4
Photography (PER)....................................................... 4
Pilot (AGL/PER) ........................................................... 4
Politics (INT) ................................................................. 4
Psychology (PER/INT) ................................................ 4
Science (INT)................................................................. 4
Sincerity (CHA) ............................................................ 4
Stealth (AGL/PER)....................................................... 4
Survival (STR/INT)...................................................... 4
Actions....................................................................................... 4
“What if I don’t have that skill?”..................................... 4
Time ........................................................................................... 4
Doing more than one thing at once.................................. 4
Damage...................................................................................... 4
Armour................................................................................. 5
Damage Ratings ............................................................ 5
Guns ...................................................................................... 5
Mission Points.......................................................................... 5
Impossible Missions Character Templates .......................... 5
Equipment Catalogue.............................................................. 6
Audio Bugs..................................................................... 6
Audio/Video Bugs......................................................... 6
Biohazard Suit ............................................................... 6
Briefcase Pistol.............................................................. 6
Bug Detector.................................................................. 6
Bullet-proof Case .......................................................... 6
Camouflage Clothing.................................................... 6
Electronic Lockpicks.................................................... 6
First Aid Kit ................................................................... 6
Flak Vest......................................................................... 6
Gas Mask........................................................................ 6
Geiger Counter.............................................................. 6
GPS.................................................................................. 6
Hands-Free Radio .......................................................... 6
Headset Microphone..................................................... 6
Infrared Camera ............................................................. 6
Infrared Goggles ............................................................ 6
Infrared Torch................................................................ 6
Jammer............................................................................ 6
Kevlar Vest.....................................................................6
Laptop Computer...........................................................6
Laser Eavesdroppe ....................................................... 6
Laser Sight......................................................................7
Lockpicks ....................................................................... 7
Lockpick Gun ................................................................ 7
Micro Camera ................................................................ 7
Mobile Phone................................................................. 7
Nightvision Goggles..................................................... 7
Radiation Suit ................................................................ 7
Radio ............................................................................... 7
Satellite Link.................................................................. 7
Scrambler........................................................................ 7
Shotgun Microphone.................................................... 7
Silencer........................................................................... 7
Starlight Camera ............................................................ 7
Starlight Scope............................................................... 7
Starlight Telescope........................................................ 7
Tape Recorder................................................................ 7
Telescope........................................................................ 7
Telescopic Sight ............................................................ 7
Thermo Graphic Camera.............................................. 7
Torch Mount.................................................................. 7
Tranquilliser................................................................... 7
Underwater Camera ...................................................... 7
Video Camera ................................................................ 7
Video Recorder.............................................................. 7
Wiretap............................................................................ 7
Wiretap Detector...........................................................7
GM’s Guide .............................................................................. 8
The Tape.............................................................................. 8
Prep Time ............................................................................. 8
The Setback.................................................................... 9
Other Preparation.......................................................... 9
Mission Time....................................................................... 9
Wrapping Up ....................................................................... 9
practitioners’ abilities is one that will fail. A technical
expert cannot be expected to maintain an elaborate
disguise merely because the team’s master of disguise is
on some other business. If the deception using the
disguise is very important, and the technical expert is the
only operative available to do it, try to find a way to
undertake that part of the plan using that agent’s skill.
Impossible Missions
is an espionage role-playing game
based especially on a certain well-known TV series of the
late 1960s. In it, players take on the roles of agents from
the Impossible Missions Force (IMF) - a crack
government organisation employed only when all other
routes have failed.
Always back up your cover identities. Without some kind
of “impartial” source to verify the integrity of an identity,
or detail of identity, you cannot expect a person to believe
in that identity.
TV - Mission: Impossible, The X-Files, The Man from
U.N.C.L.E., Moon Over Miami
Films - Mission: Impossible, M:I 2, Topkapi, The Italian
Job, any Bond film, The Sting, Bullitt (although presented
from the other side, this is typical IMF-style).
Books - The Complete Mission: Impossible Dossier, any
book of illusion-style magic tricks, The Care of Time by
Eric Ambler, Virtual Light by William Gibson
An excellent example of this occurs in a mission
undertaken by an exceptionally successful IMF team. The
team required the president of a small South American
nation to believe that one of their members (actually 30,
and in disguise as a television interviewer) was aged 70,
but had achieved her youthful looks through a potent
beauty treatment. Obviously, this could not be
accomplished simply by having the agent in question say
“Oh, incidentally, I may look very young, but I’m actually
a pensioner.” Instead, another agent removed a local
history book from the President’s personal library, and
replaced it with one which was identical, with the
exception that it contained a recently-taken photograph of
the “interviewer” agent, with a caption claiming it to be
forty years old. Once this was “accidentally” brought to
the attention of the President, it formed a perfect back-up
to the idea of the agent’s advanced age, since it was
assumed to be a book which the President had owned for
a long time. All that was required after that was for the
President to see the agent in question in her “natural” state
(actually the work of make-up) and the deception was
The IMF is constructed along the cell structure. The
ordinary members of the cell (three or more) will know
the other members by name, and little or nothing more.
This is for your own safety.
The team leader, who may or may not be a field agent,
will receive instructions from a drop-point designated via
a telephone call. Except in the rarest of circumstances,
this will be the only contact any of the team will have
with higher command. Some team leaders will have more
than one team under their control. This is to be avoided
where possible, but may in some cases be the only option.
Again, the only IM agents known to an operative will be
those within his own cell. For all you know, yours may be
the only cell in the IMF.
Characters in Impossible Missions are defined by five
attributes (descriptive statistics which all people have),
and myriad skills (learned aptitudes which a person does
not automatically possess).
The IMF is different to most intelligence organisations in
that, once your orders have been given, there are no
required procedures for your fulfilment of the mission.
Use whatever means you deem necessary. Success is all
that matters.
The five attributes are as follows (abbreviations in
The missions in which the IMF is typically engaged are of
an extremely sensitive nature. Therefore, success will
almost never come from the barrel of a gun. Subtlety is
the IMF’s watchword. If the mission could be solved as
easily as pulling a trigger, it would have been one of the
ordinary government agencies which would have
performed it. Bear this in mind.
Agility (AGL)
This attribute is used when speed, dexterity or grace are
required. Actions using Agility might include running
quickly, dodging a falling rock or swerving to avoid a car
Due to the constraints placed on IMF missions, and the
pressure to avoid an international incident in many cases,
planning is of the utmost importance. Make back-up plans
for when things do not go as expected. Even the tiniest
flaw, especially early on in the mission, can snowball into
a disaster of epic proportions.
Strength (STR)
Covers brute strength and endurance. Uses of Strength
might include running for a long time, lifting a large rock
or resisting the damage from being hit by a car.
Perception (PER)
Perception is the attribute which governs a character’s
alertness and awareness. Examples of using Perception
are hearing faint running footsteps, noticing an unusual
When in preparation for a mission, always ensure that
your plan is based around your team’s abilities, not some
perceived ideal. A plan that drastically over-extends its
rock or memorising a car’s number plate as it speeds
away from an accident.
and other adverse conditions cause enough of a problem
to make a Drive roll necessary.
Intelligence (INT)
This describes both academic knowledge and knowledge
of the world. Using Intelligence, a character could work
out how long it would take him to run to the nearest town,
identify a particular kind of rock, or know what kind of
car he was looking at.
Electronics (INT)
Covers the design, implementation and repair of
electronic devices.
Etiquette (PER/CHA)
The ability to blend in with, and appear pleasing to,
society. Important at Central American embassy
Charisma (CHA)
Charisma is a character’s social ability. Charisma could
be used to persuade a fugitive not to run away, tell which
geologist is lying about his find, or lead a strike in a car
Fighting (STR/AGL)
Fighting covers all combat which does not involve a
projectile weapon. The base difficulty to hit someone in a
fight is 1, plus any successes they may have obtained by
dodging. To dodge, a character takes an action and makes
an AGL roll.
Each attribute has a rating, from 1 to 6, higher numbers
being better. At the time of creation, a character has 17
points to divide between his attributes.
Foreign Language (INT)
A measure of fluency in a language other than your
mother tongue. All Impossible Missions player characters
are assumed to be able to pick up enough of a foreign
language for each mission, but where extra fluency is
required, this skill is used. One language must be picked
each time this skill is bought. Special Rule - When
speaking in a foreign language, the character’s player
must adopt an appropriate accent (this usually means a
slightly dodgy Eastern Bloc accent).
Theoretically, there is no limit as to how high a skill
rating may go. However, starting characters may have no
skill at a level higher than 5. Also, a starting character
may not have a skill rating higher than that of the skill’s
related attribute. The related attribute is listed alongside
the skill in brackets. Where two related attributes are
given, you may use whichever is higher.
Starting characters have 20 points to spend on skills.
Forgery (PER/INT)
The ability to make counterfeit documents. The result of a
Forgery roll is the item in question’s Quality. The Quality
is the difficulty for any Awareness roll to spot its falsity.
Skill List
Awareness (PER)
Awareness is usually rolled by the GM, to see if a
character spots something at least partially hidden, or
Guns (AGL)
This skill is used when operating any kind of missile
weapon. In addition to any dodging (see Fighting), the
base difficulty of any Guns roll is determined by range.
At Point Blank range (3 metres or less), the difficulty is 0.
At Short range (The listed range for the weapon) it is 1.
At Long range (twice that listed) it is 2, and at Extreme
range (four times that listed), it is 4.
Computers (INT)
Covers the use, design and programming of computers.
Often used in conjunction with Electronics (for
Cooking (PER)
The ability to create pleasing meals.
History (INT)
Knowledge of history. That’s it. More useful than it
Intrusion (AGL/PER)
Used for breaking into things, such as houses, banks,
safes, embassies - you know the drill.
Manipulation (CHA)
Persuading others to do what you want. The difficulty
level is the subject’s PER.
Demolitions (AGL/INT)
The ability to make and set explosives effectively. This is
a dangerous skill to use - failure can sometimes result in
severe injury.
Disguise (PER)
Disguise is used when you want to make someone look
like someone else. When creating a disguise, make a
Disguise roll. The result is the disguise’s Quality. If
detailed information on the person mimicked is available,
add 1 to the Quality. To see through a disguise, a
character must make an Awareness roll with a difficulty
equal to the disguise’s Quality.
Maths (INT)
Advanced mathematical knowledge.
Drive (AGL)
The ability to drive ground vehicles. Ordinary driving
does not usually require a roll - only chases, bad weather
Mechanics (INT)
Used for the design and manufacture (and sometimes use)
of mechanical devices.
Medicine (INT)
The ability to diagnose and treat physical ailments. When
you are trying to heal someone, roll Medicine. The result
is the number of wound levels removed. Emergency first
aid suffers a -2 modifier to the result. The time taken for
the healing process is up to the GM.
When a character wants to do something, they may be
required to make a skill or attribute roll. Just roll a
number of ordinary, six-sided dice equal to the relevant
skill or attribute number. Count up the number of dice
that score 4 or more - this is the roll’s result. If the result
is greater than or equal to the difficulty level, the action
has succeeded.
Mimicry (PER)
See Disguise above. However, Mimicry is used to
impersonate the mannerisms, voice, etc. of a person,
rather than their looks. Mimicry is often used in
conjunction with Disguise.
“What if I don’t have that skill?”
Easy. Use the related attribute instead, but the difficulty
level goes up by one. You may always default to an
attribute if you want.
Performance (PER/CHA)
This skill governs a character’s showmanship, from
introducing a conference to playing a musical instrument.
A speciality should be picked when this skill is bought.
Activities outside this speciality but within Performance
suffer a -2 penalty to the roll’s result.
Photography (PER)
The ability to take clear, accurate and aesthetically
pleasing photographs or films. Can be used for
surveillance purposes.
When lots of things are going on at once, you may wish to
split up time into “turns” - small segments of about five
seconds each. Everyone gets one action or passion per
turn. An action can be whatever the GM decides is one
discrete “thing”. A passion, obviously, means you don’t
do anything.
Time is also split into two categories - Prep Time and
Mission Time. Prep Time is where you get ready for the
mission. Mission Time is when you’re actually in the
field. Why this is important will become apparent later.
Pilot (AGL/PER)
When this skill is bought, you must decide which
specialisation your character has - Ships, Boats,
Aeroplanes, Helicopters, Spacecraft, etc. Only this type of
vehicle can be piloted using this skill. Any other type
requires another Pilot skill, or defaulting to an attribute.
Doing more than one thing at once
Okay, so I lied to you above. You can take two or more
actions in one turn, or at the same time if you’re not using
turns. For every extra action you take, 1 is added to the
difficulty of every action.
Politics (INT)
Covers the knowledge of the political process.
Sometimes, characters will get hurt. The source of the
damage is given a damage rating. When a character takes
damage, that character rolls their STR. The result of this
is subtracted from the damage rating. If this leaves
anything, that number of dice are rolled.
Psychology (PER/INT)
An understanding of the human mind. This skill may be
used to determine a person’s feelings, neuroses, whatever.
Science (INT)
Governs knowledge of a field of science. Upon taking this
skill, the player must choose some appropriate speciality,
such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry,
Astrophysics, Cybernetics, etc. Other specialities must be
bought as separate skills.
The highest dice in the damage roll is the result. If this is
a 6, roll that dice again and add the second roll to the first.
If more than one die comes up 6, roll each, taking
whichever is higher.
Then apply the damage result to this chart:
Sincerity (CHA)
Sincerity is used whenever a character wants someone to
believe that they feel other than they do. Uses include
telling a convincing lie, acting and other subterfuge.
Stealth (AGL/PER)
Used when a character wishes to be undetected. Examples
include walking silently, camouflage, etc.
Flesh wound (no penalties)
Light wound (+1 difficulty on all rolls)
Serious wound (+2 difficulty)
Deep wound
Survival (STR/INT)
The ability to keep oneself alive under adverse conditions.
Applies equally to most types of terrain (though not, say,
the surface of the Moon).
Wound levels are cumulative. Thus if a character
suffering from a flesh wound subsequently takes a light
wound, his health goes to having a serious wound.
If a character using guns took an action to aim, or a
character doing damage in some other way has a large
 amount of control over his victim, he may alter the
number rolled on the above chart up or down by 2.
Consecutive actions spent aiming may add 1 each time to
this amount, up to a maximum of 5.
Insight (or “Phelps”) Points
These are spent (usually in Prep Time) to automatically
grant the character greater insight, for example to find the
easiest way into a building, or discover what motivates
Oh, yes. You may have noticed that any hit whatsoever
can potentially kill a character. You may well want to
avoid violence in this game.
Deceit (or “Hand”) Points
These are spent, naturally enough, when the character
needs someone to be deceived, e.g. for a guard to decide
an office doesn’t need to be checked, or for an enemy to
view the character as a friend.
Tech (or “Barney”) Points
These are spent to provide the character with gadgets. In
Prep Time, spending 1 point provides a gadget of
“reasonable” size, using normal technology. 2 points are
required for an unusually advanced or large gadget. In
Mission Time, a Barney Point can be spent to produce a
small gadget that the character “just happened to bring
along”, e.g. tiny motion sensors to tell when a guard is
Being armoured consists of traditional armour, as well as
being otherwise protected. When a character is armoured,
they receive an Armour Rating. This AR is added to their
dice in STR rolls to resist damage. That’s it.
Damage Ratings
Bow and Arrow
Sniper Rifle
The use of Mission Points completely circumvents any
roll that may have been made.
Assault Rifle
Submachine Gun
Impossible Missions Character Templates
1 per 5 feet
Catching Fire
4 per turn until extinguished
Hit by car
1 per 5 mph
Example characters created using the rules above.
In car crash
1 per 10 relative mph
Concept: Team Leader
AGL 2, STR 3, PER 4, INT 4, CHA 4
Skills: Awareness 3, Etiquette 2, Foreign Lang. (choose
one) 3, Foreign Lang. (choose another) 1, Forgery 2,
Intrusion 1, Manipulation 2, Politics 2, Psychology 2,
Sincerity 2
Mission Points: Phelps 6, Hand 3, Barney 1
Description: This character co-ordinates the team’s efforts
and is the mainstay of the mission.
Please note that this detail is mainly for flavour.
Impossible Missions isn’t a gun-intensive game. Play
Cyberpunk if you want that. Or, better still, Feng Shui.
Name (Type)
Ruger Blackhawk (pistol)
Glock 17 (pistol)
Semi -auto
MAS FR-F1 (sniper rifle)
Bolt -action
SIG-Sauer SSG2000
(sniper rifle)
Bolt -action
Concept: Deep Agent
AGL 2, STR 2, PER 4, INT 3, CHA 6
Skills: Awareness 1, Etiquette 2, Foreign Lang. (pick one)
2, Foreign Lang. (pick another) 2, Intrusion 2,
Manipulation 3, Performance 2, Photography 2, Sincerity
Mission Points: Phelps 3, Hand 5, Barney 2
Description: This agent goes in first and sets up a cover
identity before the rest of the mission commences. When
the action starts, this agent works from behind enemy
Mossberg Model 500
Pump -action
Luigi Franchi SPAS 12
Semi -auto
AK-47 (assault rifle)
Beretta Model 90 (assault
Skorpion vz68
(submachine gun)
Stor Z84 (submachine
Single shot
Concept: Impostor
AGL 3, STR 2, PER 5, INT 4, CHA 3
Skills: Disguise 5, Foreign Lang. (select one) 3, Intrusion
3, Manipulation 2, Mimicry 4, Sincerity 3
Mission Points: Phelps 2, Hand 7, Barney 1
Description: This agent takes on the role of other people
in order to inveigle himself into the enemy ranks. He
sows disorder and confusion.
Single shot
Mission Points
Mission Points are little packets of luck or skill that help
characters to complete a mission.
Starting characters have 10 points to split between the
three categories. These are:
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